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Renting- Car - Sthanantor

* In this project i have build admin and user interface. * Where admin can add car and show details,can update and delete. * User can choose and can confirm renting car. * Provider,Sqflite used and proper MVVM pattern followed.

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Word Puzzle - ULTA PALTA

* This is simple game implemented in flutter. * I just use some logic to play this game. * Automatic word will change and you need to guess what is the correct word from the option. * If word length four then you gonna given first and last letter but if is six then the option will increase as three.

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Simple E-com - (SOBAR JONNO BAZAR)

  • This one is running flutter big project.Planning part done. Now implementation are going on.
  • * Firebase,Api,Provider with MVVM model will use for developing this one.
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    Basha Khuja

    This is a Simple Website build with react Js for client side and Express for server side ,Here i have use mongoDB for backend database and for authentication Firebase are used, MUI,ReactIcon,Bootstrap are used for frontend design.

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    Medi Shop

    This is a simple medi website. For getting service everyone need to have complete registration here first then he/she will given a personal dashboard. They can book for doctor according to database date and doctor list. *React *Node (Express) *React Router Dom *Bootstrap *MUI *Firebase *MongoDB *React Icon.

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    Group ChatApp

    A new Flutter project.Firebase use for database purpose.

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